To the left are video tutorials about how to edit and save images for your site. Your site has specific images dimensions
Your website files that were sent to you will have some Photoshop templates (PSD files) that you can use to create your images for your site so they are the correct dimensions. These are all held in the PSD’s folder.
Some notes about specifics for the images used on your site:
- Slider image sizes use the slider.psd
- Your blog featured images need to be at least 600px wide.
- Make sure any image that you put into the page or post content is not wider than 400px
- Make sure you always save for web using the File > Save for Web & Devices function in photoshop.
- All your images can be reduced in size by adjusting the size with the edit image function with your website visual editor. This is explained in the video below.
Make sure you watch the short image editing tutorials to understand how to use images properly on your site.